
The federal government offers Medicare insurance for individuals who are over the age of 65. It’s also available to individuals with disabilities and those who have been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). There are four specific plans offered by Medicare. They are Parts A, B, C, and D. Each plan covers specific aspects of care. While many people receive Medicare coverage for free, others who receive income over a certain amount may have to pay a monthly premium for their coverage. As a Jacksonville Medicare agency, the agents at Pablo Beach Insurance are able to help you determine what your cost may be.

Understanding What Medicare Covers

Each Medicare plan covers different aspects of care. Plan A, for example, covers many different hospital services as long as you have been formally admitted. Plan B covers doctor visits, vaccinations, certain medical devices, ambulance/emergency services, medical screenings, and specific types of medical supplies.

There are several guidelines that pertain to Medicare Parts A and B that can be confusing for patients. One of the biggest points of contention has to do with inpatient and outpatient services. In some instances, spending the night in a hospital may not be covered, especially if it is determined to be outpatient. In order for a person to be considered inpatient, they must be formally admitted into the hospital. The same is true for Part B coverage that determines what can be paid for by Medicare and what cannot be.

What About Supplemental Health Insurance Policies

Medicare Part C is referred to as a Medicare Advantage Plan. It’s a supplemental form of insurance provided by private insurance agencies to basically fill in the gaps that Part A and Part B may miss. MAP, Medicare Advantage Plans are often paired with Part C. Part C is a plan that you must choose and that you will have to pay for on your own. Medicare Part D is a “stand-alone” Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) and covers medications not covered by other plans. You will have to pay a monthly premium which may be based on your income. Co-pays and deductibles may also apply. Supplemental policies are designed to provide additional layers of coverage at an affordable cost to the patient.

Many people believe that just because they have Medicare, all or most of their medical expenses will be covered. This isn’t the case. It’s important that you know exactly what Medicare Parts A and B cover so you can purchase supplemental policies if you decide you need them. Pablo Beach Insurance is a Jacksonville Medicare agency dedicated to helping their clients find the answers they need. Schedule a consultation today and have them explain each of the different Medicare plans to you so that you can make an informed decision. They have the answers you’re looking for and will help you get the coverage you need.

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