
Florida Senate Bill 2-A  is a piece of legislation that was recently passed by the state legislature. It seeks to address some of the major issues facing Floridians today, especially when it comes to their property insurance. This bill has far-reaching implications for both individuals and businesses in the Sunshine State. In this article, we will provide an overview of Florida Senate Bill 2-A (“SB-2A”), outline what it includes and its implications for Floridians, discuss how it will affect property owners in the state, weigh up its pros and cons, and raise questions to consider when evaluating its effects on residents.

Overview of Florida Senate Bill 2-A

Florida SB-2A is an important piece of property insurance reform that was passed in December 2022. It sets forth stricter regulations on insurers and requires them to register with state regulators in order to provide coverage to homeowners. Additionally, the bill seeks to reduce premiums for properties located in high-risk areas and ensures that all residents have access to affordable property insurance. By establishing clearer loss determination policies and price regulation of premium rates, SB-2A will help create a more stable marketplace and equitable access to coverage throughout Florida.

What does the bill include and what are its implications for Floridians?

The new bill includes many provisions to improve property insurance options for consumers. It requires insurers to offer a standard homeowners insurance policy, provides tenants in low-income housing the right to purchase renters’ insurance, and places restrictions on how much an insurer can increase its rates each year. These measures are all intended to make sure that people can find fair and reliable property insurance coverage. SB-2A also eliminates one-way attorney fees associated with residential and commercial property insurance policy lawsuits.

SB-2A revives the civil offer of judgment statute (commonly referred to as Proposals for Settlement) and permits attorney fees to be issued to the party who wins while granting both parties the capability of making joint offers of judgment. It also prevents a bad faith lawsuit from being brought until a judgment has been rendered against the insurance company in the dispute at hand.

The major property insurance provisions in the new bill include often-requested improvements such as more flexible payment arrangements and greater disclosure of potential policy discounts. Consumers will now be able to shop around more easily and compare rates thanks to improved pricing transparency standards, making it easier than ever before to find good value and quality protection for their property. In addition, the new SB-2A includes:

The Florida Optional Reinsurance Assistance Program

One of the biggest provisions included in Senate Bill 2A is the establishment of a new program called the “Florida Optional Reinsurance Assistance” Program (FORA). This program was created to provide reinsurance coverage for residential property insurers against catastrophic losses caused by large storms like hurricanes or wildfires. It allows insurers to purchase additional protection for their policies from an approved outside vendor. This extra layer of protection can help ensure that policyholders are able to receive their claims payouts more quickly and efficiently following a natural disaster.

Speeds up Claims Process and Payout/Rejection Processes 

The law also speeds up both the claims process and payout/rejection processes for policyholders. This will allow them to receive their payments or rejections more quickly when filing a claim with an insurer after a natural disaster occurs. Additionally, insurers now have 30 days (down from 45) to complete on-site inspections before paying out on a claim if they deem it necessary.

Assignment of Benefits (AOB)

The new legislation prohibits Assignment of Benefits (AOB) contracts from being applied to residential and commercial property insurance policies. This new provision seeks to protect policyholders by prohibiting AOBs from being used as a tool for fraud and abuse in the insurance industry. AOBs can no longer be implemented on any new or existing property insurance policies issued after this date, which will help to maintain fairness and reliability throughout the entire process.

Getting More Floridians Out of Citizens Property Insurance Program 

The law also works towards getting more Floridians out of the state-created Citizens Property Insurance program and into private homeowners insurance policies instead. To do this, it creates incentives for private insurers to offer competitive rates as well as expands eligibility requirements for federal flood insurance programs so that more Floridians can take advantage of them. These changes should make it easier for policyholders to find affordable coverage for their homes and leave Citizens Property Insurance behind once and for all.

Enhanced OIR Supervision

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) has the authority to revoke approval of policies with an appraisal clause if they are often used. It also allows OIR to carry out market conduct exams after a hurricane on those companies in the top 20% in terms of claims filed or DFS complaints, as well as to examine their MGAs. Furthermore, companies must begin providing monthly reports for the numbers of claims opened, closed, pending and those pursuing alternative dispute resolution, along with details about the type of resolution.

How will this bill affect property owners in the state?

The passing of this bill will likely have a great impact on individuals and businesses in the state. For properties owned by individuals, it could mean significant changes to existing laws and regulations. Business owners too could be facing questions about how this new bill affects their operations, from what must be done to remain compliant to how much the changes will cost them financially. With these considerations in place, it is important for all property owners and business owners in the state to take a look at how the bill might affect them so that they can adjust accordingly and continue running smoothly under new laws.

The pros and cons of Florida Senate Bill 2A

The passing of SB-2A has been a controversial piece of legislation, bringing both pros and cons with its implementation. Proponents of the bill cite it as laying a firmer foundation for Florida’s property owners that will afford better coverage in the event of a disaster and provide more flexibility to insurers while maintaining affordability. Conversely, there are criticisms that the bill has restrictions on certain types of claims that can leave property owners excessively exposed to risks and may not adequately protect them financially in the long run. Regardless of your stance on the issue, it’s important to be fully aware of the implications this new bill will have so you can make an informed decision about your insurance needs.

Questions to consider when evaluating the effects of this bill on Floridians

When evaluating the potential impacts of the property insurance reform bill on Floridians, it is important to consider a few key questions. First and foremost, will the new law result in cost savings for consumers? Additionally, will people be able to secure full coverage for their properties without too much difficulty? It is also helpful to determine if any special provisions have been included that could be beneficial or are exclusive to Florida residents. Ultimately, given predictions that disaster relief costs are expected to increase, careful consideration should be given as to what steps can be taken locally toward protecting households from unaffordable insurance prices and catastrophic losses.

The Florida property insurance reform bill has been met with both praise and criticism. It is important for Floridians to carefully consider the pros and cons of this legislation before making any decisions about their own insurance needs. By asking questions individuals can make sure they are taking all factors into account when evaluating how the new law might affect them. Ultimately, by being mindful of these considerations now, Floridians can take steps towards protecting their households from unaffordable prices and losses due to disasters down the road.

Please contact Pablo Beach Insurance Group if you have any questions about this new bill and how it will affect you.